
Family Drama movie is based on Drama. Meher Tej is the director of Family Drama and this movie released on October 29, 2021. The time duration of this movie is 2 hours 12 minutes. The movie casts Anusha NuthulaPooja KiranSanjay RathaShruthi MeherTeja Kasarapu in lead roles and some of the others in supporting roles. Meher Tej is the writer of this movie.

Family Drama Movie Crew Details

Family Drama Movie Crew Details

Directed by Meher Tej
Screenplay by Meher Tej
Shanmukha Prashant
Story by Meher Tej
Starring Suhas
Teja Kasarapu
Cinematography Venkat R. Shakamuri
Edited by Ramakrishna Arram
Music by Ajay and Sanjay
Chashma Films
Noothana Bharathi Films
Mango Mass Media
Distributed by SonyLIV
Release date
  • 29 October 2021
Running time
132 min
Country India
Language Telugu


Family Drama Star Cast and Roles

  • Suhas as Rama
  • Teja Kasarapu as Lakshman
  • Pooja Kiran as Yamini, Lakshman’s wife
  • Sruti Meher Nori as Parvathi, Lakshman’s mother
  • Sanjay Ratha as Sadashiva Rao, Rama & Lakshman’s father
  • Anusha Nuthula as Mahati, Rama’s wife

All these artist have done a great job in Family Drama  movie and you too will find it real, not a movie reel.

Family Drama Star Cast and Roles

Movie Story & About

Family Drama: A dysfunctional family, a serial killer on the loose and when both the worlds meet, it topples many lives . We hope that people will like this film like other films, because in a film where such actors are in the lead role, it is obvious that it is possible for the film to be a hit, all the characters have given their 100% contribution to the film. All the characters were completely included in the story of the film as it seems only after watching the movie. Even after the shooting of the film was over, all the actors could not forget their character for a few days.

The director of this movie has directed very differently than the first films of his career. All the artists also feel that this film will prove to be a successful film for them. Hope you will also like this movie very much and you must also see the work of the director of the film because the director has put everything in this movie. Please don’t forget to review this movie.


Family Drama Movie Trailer

Video & Photo

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